Sunday, 19 February 2012

Endy's Erstwhile Excellent Embroilment

Endy, to help overcome eve-burnout, decided that we needed some corp action which would involve as many as possible, so he settled on the idea of a lowsex friggy roam. Cheap cheerful carefree combat was the aim of the game. A worthy cause, one which reinvigorates peoples love or loathing of Eve Online.

So, a date, time and place were set...
Axloth was on, chatting on the FROOTspeak ... Chas was hanging around and even Melf showed up for some lol-sec fun times, I as always was mooching about generally doing nothing (see also: being a carebear of extraordinary cary-beary-ness). But where was Endy?

Nope, we waited a while... and no Endymi, so being that I am by far and excluding none, one of the single greatest leaders of men ever to grace the game of Eve Online I began organising the fleet. Rifters... check, Punisher, yup.. Kestral ... ok it wasnt pretty but it was our elite pvp fleet.

We headed out of Amarr into Ami lowsec, roaming northward (Without Endy ... did I mention he didn't turn up?) and excluding a lot of very boring and empty systems, we chased a few lone people, only catching up with a lone drake hugging a gate like it was his childhood 'blanky' Its surpriseing just how scary four tech 1 frigs must appear to be...

Ignoring the boring systems... In part because of the dullness of these systems and at my choice we found a local faction rat for some ISKs, Utric pushed it one further and we ran an anomaly in our shitty frigs, we were reaching that pinnacle point at which boredom begins to set in and the fleet starts doing crazy shit just because. In this case, It meant warping to a cyno, which was on a station, and then attempting to 'ransom' the Archon that undocked. The Archon pilot clearly didn't see the funny side of this and got all grumpy in local chat then docked up.

HOWEVER .... while we were all pissing about laughing at this general shenanigans, a rupture had warped to the station. Upon trying to lock him, he warped away to a gate... so we followed, we had broken the rule of Eve ... super serious internet spaceships. At this point we could in no way be considered to be in a serious mood and suicide seemed like the best way to bring things to a head.

Not wanting gate aggro, he dropped a can. Utric, not giving a single fuck, took it. Utric called engaged... (although he hadn't actually fired...) so I as FC yelled to all engage. At that point no great surprise really .. oh look a blob of death jumping through, Utric jumped through... and away to safety.. I called to GTFO chas did like a good boy and ran the hell away. The rest of us died.

In the ensuing laughter over teamspeak while smacking in local about their  requirement to use a fleet of high end stuff to take out some frigates... I check the Killboards. 

The result? we WON (in terms of isk ...)

Somehow, the rupture pilot had died to gate gun fire. This meant that, as we had caused the aggro, it got tallied to our kills!

Friday, 10 February 2012

oh Fabulous!

What an interesting time we've had... Utric doing his normal thing of shooting anything that doesn't have the tag 'Utric' at the start of it found some people that were in need of some pew pew power.

In so far as he'd shot at them, and then got chatting we decided that in the best interest of lolz and tears we'd join them to go and shoot at some other poor saps. It was to be many epic lolz we would as one FROOTy force join the alliance and bring forth our own special 'who gives a shit attitude' to their war. In essence... To crush our enemies -- See them driven before us, and to hear the lamentation of their CEO!

In true FROOT style, no sooner had we arranged this than my inbox flashed with an incomming and completely unrelated (well ... unrelated to the war in question, but still at the root cause that is Utric101 ... god I love that guy sometimes)

and so, from the dust raises an old sparing partner 'Galatic Rangers' ... 

sorry did I misstype their name? this should rectify that:

So to spoil our own little griefing party these nut rubbers now have FROOT well and truely backpeddling. Poor Chas lost a Geddon after a 4 hour POS bash, he was heading home and promptly had his vessel removed from around him by several of these lovey space-turds ... a 2 Bhaalgorn fleet with support stomped all over his poor Geddon, we saw fit to get retribution for the kill. but this is gonna be tricky with those 2 space-tampons flying around neuting everything.

So. Rangers... if you got issue with Utric, ask him for a 1v1 ... I'm sure he'd love to quite frankly tho, we both know this war will end up played out mostly inside of a station. Yay for high-sec wars. 

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Not this crap again...

Well what a day ..

After much deliberation about how best we as a corp should go about doing stuff, I decided to pump ISK into my ever waning wallet.. care bear mode... Engage!

but no sooner than I put agent to journal and begun turning the grind wheel I get rudely interrupted by a girl band from the early 90's  ... well, their namesake anyway.

TLC, a group of wormhole bullies that we keep having little run-in's with, quite rudely they decided to try and once again extract ISK from our tightly clenched fists, with Chasman defending us in the form of a stiff talking to their guys... after some billy big bollocks nonsense from them, they eventually ... did nothing more than flinging a few bombs at the POS defences and then left, that sure showed us.

So, the point remains, I'm poorer than I should be, the corp is ticking over nicely and we're still being picked on by anyone that comes our way, sounds pretty much like normal state of affairs.

Oh... and our noob put me sorely in my place... Decon, I'm gonna fall in love with you if you carry on like this, but I am supremely jealous.