My many years in eve have left me with only a handful of toons that I knowingly call friend. such if the fickle nature of teh interwebz.
In other news... If some of you recall, I made a post (Feb 10th) about a particular bully group that had been causing the corp some hassle. While we had a few lols at their expense the sheer weight of superior numbers caused us a lot of trouble.

Due to W.C.S being douchebags of extraordinary talent and due to the goading talents of Utric and Mauler I spent a long time staring at a POS health bar ... and after the deed was done. The Galactic Ranger alliance disbanded. Quite an outcome considering the W.C.S didn't actually destroy the POS and was fighting far superior numbers. well done lads!
That little animation pretty much covers about 4 or 5 hours of my eve life. POS bash's are very dull, as you can see, I left before they even hit the reinforced level (the green overlay) which took them an additional 2 hours!
having bored myself to death... and with corp looking so empty my usually sedated requirement for lols has surfaced with a vengeance, and after a short trip into nullsec I'm the proud owner of 4 killmails to one loss. 2 super-repped hyperions... which didn't rep that well it seems and 2 drakes. Not too bad, but I feel there's room for a few more green bars under my face on the killboards...
Talking of which, In a not too uncommon recruitment tactic, I blew up some guys ship, then he joined us. and within 48 hours of him joining, and only a short while in game he's had his 1st kill, I for one welcome my new padawan he shows great promise of being very FROOTy; Welcome Azazel!
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